Thursday, July 31, 2008

End of the Summer

I am going back to work tomorrow. I have to tackle the mountain of stuff that is in the middle of my classroom floor and have limited time to do it in. We have had a big summer and I cannot believe it is now over. Here are a few highlights from the past two months:

  • We were able to go see Austin's family in Rockingham, NC. We visited with his grandparents, Aunts, cousins and of course his mom and Michael. It was a nice visit. We are looking forward to a visit with Grams soon.
  • Owen and I went to the waterpark a lot. He loves it! Every time we went he got just as excited as he did the first time.
  • Owen started potty training. At first, we were giving him an M&M each time he went potty then, I ate them all one night. So now, we give him yogurt bites. They are healthier and I really do not like them. :) He is doing pretty good. Most days have been great, but some days going to the bathroom is NOT on his daily agenda.
  • We took Owen to the aquarium and he loved the fish and "turdles."
  • We found out the the county park near our house has a really good shaded playground for toddlers. We would go early in the morning (8:30ish) before the day got hot. Owen could play, it was not crowded and being that early the bathrooms were still clean.
  • Owen began to talk more. He is a hoot!
  • I now have four new friends. There names are Murray, Jeff, Anthony and Greg (who has been replaced by Sam--I have a hard time telling the difference). They are the Wiggles!
  • We are continually working on Owen's space, his playroom. We have cleaned up and cleaned out and I believe I found a way to divide the room so that Austin has his space and Owen has his.
  • Owen pulled a few stunts. He climbed on top of the kitchen table and was standing in the middle of it one day when I to a quick trip to the bathroom. He hid in a cabinet and thought it was funny when I finally found him. He layed on a balloon one day and could not figure out what happened when it shot out from under him. He has figured out how to take his diaper off at night (he doesn't do this everynight thank goodness). He can now open doors, but he knocks first.

It really has been a joy to be home this summer. Owen stays so very busy and is in continual motion! I hate to go back to work and for him to go to his "school," but we have to and it will be okay.

Oh by the way, did I mention that my big boy needs a bookbag? It was on his school supply list! :)