Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Owen's First Haircut

We had Owen's hair cut today. It was so hard because all of his beautiful curls are now gone. He was a very good boy. He sat still the entire time his hair was being cut. Towards the end he kept asking "all done?." When he was finished he clapped and then let everyone know it was "daddy turn!" Here are a few before, during and after pictures.



Christmas Pictures

I only have a few Christmas pictures to share. Owen was too busy playing with his toys to stop for a picture. :)

Monday, December 29, 2008

Moving Day

I got bit by the playroom bug again. Austin and I had started to clean up our catch all room and put Owen's toys in it. It is the biggest room in the house, the farthest away from our bedroom (Austin has to sleep during the day), and just made sense... for when Owen is older. It is also too secluded for a two year old! He never got to play with the toys in the room. You have to go down three brick steps to get there and I cannot see him or hear him while he played. So, being tired of my living room looking like a daycare I decided to do something. Friday night while Austin was at work I called and asked how he felt about me cleaning up the front bedroom and putting Owen's toys in it. His response was perfect, "Do whatever you want," and with that, I made Friday moving day. I moved everything out of the room. I moved the dresser, vanity, bed, rocking chair, books, my school stuff... I moved it all out, included the mess of clothes thrown down on the bed. I was able to find a home for all of the stuff. My dresser is finally in my bedroom! It is a different wood from the rest of the furniture and I want it in my closet, but that is a project for another day. All of the toys had to come out of the current "playroom" so that I could put the bed, vanity and chair in it. My house was a total disaster for a few hours, but Austin was at work,Owen was asleep and I had the time to spare. Owen's toys fit in the room beautifully and so far it has been great! He is able to play in the room and I can do stuff around the house and not have to worry. There are no stairs to fall down, no guns to bother (Austin's police gear is in the other room) and I can hear Owen play. We have talked a little about paint and are leaving the carpet the way it is--who needs nice floors in a playroom? The bed is set up "downstairs" and it is darker and quieter there than in our room and if Austin wants to sleep there in the daytime he can. As far as using the room for another little one... it will be a while and we will cross that bridge when we get there.

Here are a few pictures of the room so far (and Owen playing train):

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Owen's New Phrase....

"My do it!! Go on!!" Aaauuuggghhh.... I am not ready for him to be so independent!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


We had a small earthquake yesterday morning. It registered at 3.6 and at first it was beleived that the epicenter was Redbank Rd. and North Rhett... 5 min. from my house and not even a full min. from the daycare! Now, it is believed that the epicenter was more towards Summerville. I felt it, but didn't realize that was what it was. I thought people were working on the roof of our building (there are county men working at school all the time). This is the second one I felt, the first was when I was in middle school.

So, if you should stop by we really can't help how messy our house is because the earthquake did it!