Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Owen's First Haircut

We had Owen's hair cut today. It was so hard because all of his beautiful curls are now gone. He was a very good boy. He sat still the entire time his hair was being cut. Towards the end he kept asking "all done?." When he was finished he clapped and then let everyone know it was "daddy turn!" Here are a few before, during and after pictures.



Christmas Pictures

I only have a few Christmas pictures to share. Owen was too busy playing with his toys to stop for a picture. :)

Monday, December 29, 2008

Moving Day

I got bit by the playroom bug again. Austin and I had started to clean up our catch all room and put Owen's toys in it. It is the biggest room in the house, the farthest away from our bedroom (Austin has to sleep during the day), and just made sense... for when Owen is older. It is also too secluded for a two year old! He never got to play with the toys in the room. You have to go down three brick steps to get there and I cannot see him or hear him while he played. So, being tired of my living room looking like a daycare I decided to do something. Friday night while Austin was at work I called and asked how he felt about me cleaning up the front bedroom and putting Owen's toys in it. His response was perfect, "Do whatever you want," and with that, I made Friday moving day. I moved everything out of the room. I moved the dresser, vanity, bed, rocking chair, books, my school stuff... I moved it all out, included the mess of clothes thrown down on the bed. I was able to find a home for all of the stuff. My dresser is finally in my bedroom! It is a different wood from the rest of the furniture and I want it in my closet, but that is a project for another day. All of the toys had to come out of the current "playroom" so that I could put the bed, vanity and chair in it. My house was a total disaster for a few hours, but Austin was at work,Owen was asleep and I had the time to spare. Owen's toys fit in the room beautifully and so far it has been great! He is able to play in the room and I can do stuff around the house and not have to worry. There are no stairs to fall down, no guns to bother (Austin's police gear is in the other room) and I can hear Owen play. We have talked a little about paint and are leaving the carpet the way it is--who needs nice floors in a playroom? The bed is set up "downstairs" and it is darker and quieter there than in our room and if Austin wants to sleep there in the daytime he can. As far as using the room for another little one... it will be a while and we will cross that bridge when we get there.

Here are a few pictures of the room so far (and Owen playing train):

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Owen's New Phrase....

"My do it!! Go on!!" Aaauuuggghhh.... I am not ready for him to be so independent!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


We had a small earthquake yesterday morning. It registered at 3.6 and at first it was beleived that the epicenter was Redbank Rd. and North Rhett... 5 min. from my house and not even a full min. from the daycare! Now, it is believed that the epicenter was more towards Summerville. I felt it, but didn't realize that was what it was. I thought people were working on the roof of our building (there are county men working at school all the time). This is the second one I felt, the first was when I was in middle school.

So, if you should stop by we really can't help how messy our house is because the earthquake did it!

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Okay... I don't like to toot my own horn, but for this I have to!

I teach using an interactive white board (SMART board). The board is just the best instructional tool that I have ever used. I cannot describe in my words just what it is, but according the the SMART Technologies website, "The touch-sensitive display connects to your computer and digital projector to show your computer image. You can then control computer applications directly from the display, write notes in digital ink and save your work to share later." Okay... I cannot unlock a door, but I can use a SMART board and evidently I am really good at it!

Earlier this month, I received an email from the editor of EdCompass Newsletter, but out by SMART Technologies. This newsletter is sent to SMART board users across the continent (USA & Canada). She had heard that I do a good job using the SMART board to teach Language Arts and wanted to have one of her writers interview me (as one of five teachers across the continent) for the feature article of December's newsletter! So, I was interviewed and have read the first draft of the article and it sounds really good. As soon as it is published, I will write about it.

Well... today, I checked my email. I have been chosen as a SMART Exemplary Educator! I applied in the spring and didn't hear anything about my application and really didn't think that I made was accepted. To apply, I had to fill out an application and then create a SMART "notebook" to be reviewed and judged.

Here is an overview, from the SMART site of what an SEE is, how it is chosen and the benefits:

The SMART Exemplary Educator program spans the globe to recognize teachers who improve educational outcomes through the innovative use of SMART products.

SMART Exemplary Educators receive the following:
A certificate of recognition
Preferred access to attend SMART events regionally and nationally
A one-time $199USD credit to be used for any of SMART's training offerings as noted in the program acceptance letter
Updates on SMART products and the chance to evaluate new products
A no-charge copy of SMART Ideas concept-mapping software
A SMART Exemplary Educator laptop bag

Selection Criteria
The SMART Exemplary Educator program is open to teachers, technology coordinators and administrators worldwide. All SMART Exemplary Educators must meet the following criteria:
Use SMART products innovatively to improve learning results
Show commitment to developing effective educational practices
Share these practices with other educators

So, hear I am beaming and feeling pretty SMART! :)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Pictures (Halloween Night and then the Day Before)

Our Superman!

Owen was a football player for his Halloween party at school.

Yay! We carved a Jack-o-Lantern!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Please Watch Before You Vote

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Candy Recalled

Hello everyone... this is a forward I received from a friend back home, but I thought it would be important to all of us!!!


(and I even verified on snopes: http://www.snopes.com/food/warnings/coins.asp)

There is a new warning put out by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency....
Sherwood brand Pirate's Gold Milk Chocolate coins are being recalled due to
the fact that they contain Melamine, the ingredient in milk product that has
caused many infant deaths in china.
These candies are sold at Costco, as well as many bulk and dollar stores.
please make sure to check your childrens halloween candy and DO NOT LET THEM
EAT THE PIRATE COINS (you know the ones wrapped in the shiny gold foil)
and please let other parents know about this!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Age

This was our conversation on the way home from daycare today.
Me: "Owen, how old are you?"
Owen: "Two!"
Me: "Owen, how old is Momma?"
Owen: "Momma old!"

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Recent Pictures

Here are a few pictures of Owen at Chuck E. Cheese's and at the Pumpkin Patch.

My Sexy Little Man

Owen cracks me up! He picked up the word "sexy" in daycare one day. His teacher apologized over and over for it. Well, last night he came out of the bathroom with his underwear down around his ankles, ran down the hall saying "sexy, sexy, sexy!" You never know what he will say next!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


There was a gunman on CSU's campus last night. Police responded quickly and classes will resume today as normal. You tend to think of this happening at large colleges, not small private Christian ones.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


I am continually amazed at what Owen does daily. With him being our first child I am not sure what is developmentally appropriate and if what he is doing is the same thing a normal 2 year old will do. Reguardless, here are a few of our amazing moments in the past few days.
1) Austin was outside washing his squad car. Owen walked up to the mop bucket which Austin fills with soapy water. He looked in it and said "bubbles" and then he realized the bucket was empty. He picked up the soap, opened the cap, turned it over and squirted some in the bucket. He then closed the cap. Austin looked in the bucket and told Owen he needed more. So, once again, Owen opened the cap, squirted soap in the bucket and then closed the cap again. Austin added water and Owen had his bubbles.
2) While washing dishes by hand, Owen opened the dishwasher, took dishes out one by one, put them in the sink and kept telling me to "wash it" each time he would add another dish to my dishwater. Nevermind the fact, the dishes in the dishwasher were clean!
3) I told Owen I was going to take a bath yesterday. He ran into the bathroom, dumped all of his bath toys in the tub and then smiled and said "mama's bath." I guess he wanted me to have as much fun as he does.
4) The phone rang and I didn't hear it. He came running to me with the phone hollering "mama phone!" I know it won't be long before he tries to answer it. :)
I just love to sit back and watch him. I am amazed at how much he is learning through play and how he demonstrates it.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Owen's New School

Owen started his new school this week. He is now an official "little gator" at Goose Creek High School. Owen and I will be be GCHS alums. :)
GCHS has a preschool program for teacher's children. The program is interesting. Here's how it works:
Students who want to become early childhood educators enlist in this program. After spending two years learning EC practices in a classroom they are chosen to "work" in the preschool. The students become "helpers" to the preschool teacher. The preschool ratio is set to the one teacher. So, Owen only has 6 other children in his class, but at times there are 3 and 4 workers.
The preschool follows the same EC curriculum that the county uses. Each day Owen has calendar time, centers, arts and crafts, music, outdoor play and then free play. The children play outside daily. If it is raining they ride tricycles under the breezeways and in the school hallway between classes. One of the best things about this program is that breakfast, lunch and snacks are provided! The childen eat in their own little cafeteria.
Owen has done great! He adjusted well and his teacher said he was very well mannered. You can only imagine how proud I am of him! :)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Monkey Butt!

Did you know they made such a thing??!!??
I have heard Austin talking about monkey butt and I thought it was something he came up with, but it is an actual real thing! I found this in Rite Aid today and had to get it for him. He is now the proud owner of a 6oz. can of Anti Monkey Butt Powder! They even have a website. You can find out all about Monkey Butt at www.antimonkeybutt.com . Have fun!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I Needed This This Week

This is the best keynote speaker I have heard in a long time.
This little boy had such a big message for all of us.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Finally--Yokoso Pictures

I FINALLY figured out how to download pictures from my phone to our computer. Here are the Yokoso pictures. :)

For G-G and Other Breast Cancer Survivors With Love

Owen and I met Tracy and Samantha for dinner tonight. While sitting at Ruby Tuesdays in Summerville, we noticed a pink fire truck pull in pulling a large breast cancer awareness ribbon. The truck was followed by a large group of bikers wearing pink shirts and black and pink shirts. According to the Post and Courier, "The Pink Ribbon Tour, a national awareness effort in the fight against breast cancer, has scheduled to make stops in Summerville and the surrounding area on Sept. 9-10.
The tour is provided by the Guardians of the Ribbon, a group of Arizona firefighters, police officers and community leaders. They drive around the country in a pink fire truck, wearing pink turnout gear and helmets to promote awareness of the fight against breast cancer.
Organizers are encouraging anyone who has been affected by the disease to come to any of the local stops and sign the fire truck." So, we did. Owen and I wrote his G-G's (Grandma Deborah) name on the truck. It was an amazing sight! I had to take pictures of it and share.

Owen on the Pink Truck
Here is Owen next to G-G's name (there is an "h" at the end of Deborah, it just didn't show up in the picture)
Owen and Samantha--This is the best picture, it was so hard to try to get them both to look at the camera at the same time.
Owen decided to strike a pose! Below is a picture of the pink fire truck.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Get Ready to Wiggle!

The Wiggles are coming to Columbia! For most, this may seem insignificant. For us, this is a big deal! I just hope the Colonial Center is big enough to hold Owen Rogers!


Hanna came and Hanna went last night. All she left was a bunch of rain! I am very thankful. Austin was able to come home at the end of his shift (1 am) and again, I am very thankful. School got out at 10:30 and we do not have to make up the day; another reason to be thankful! It was evident that the Lord was watching out for us and I am thankful!


We are now available to chat via the web! Our new, new computer has a webcam on it and we finally are set up and ready to go. So far, we have had a couple nice chats with G-G (Deborah) and are excited about having more. If you have one and would like to talk please let me know.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Roller Coaster Weekend

We have been on a crazy roller coaster ride this weekend. First, I have to say that I am stoked about Sarah Palin! I really like all I have read and heard about her. I do not wish to discuss politics and will not if you bring it up, just know I like her. :)

Saturday Austin, Owen and I went to SeeWee Restaurant in Awendaw to eat lunch. It was pretty good. I love the atmosphere of the restaurant. It looks like a hole in the wall place, but when you go inside it is decorated like you are sitting on somebodies porch. The walls have local and beachy pictures on them. The tables have small vases of flowers. It is not fancy at all, but I like it. We had to sit by the door and the bathrooms were outside the building, so those were downfalls. The food was pretty good. On our way out the door Owen decided to jump off the top step. I was holding his hand and wasn't ready. I am glad he landed on the second step (of four). I told him we had to walk down the steps, but as soon as I began to step again, he said "jump" and then he did. When we left, we went to SeWee Educational Center in the Francis Marion National Forest. It was nice and quiet. We walked a little ways on a trail that started as a boardwalk and then turned into a path through the woods. The mosquitoes were bad, so we turned around. Inside the center was a small exhibition hall. Owen enjoyed looking at the animals and of course, everything was a dog... The deer, bobcat, otter, squirrel and all other animals displayed were dogs. We watched a little movie on the SeWee Indians and Owen ran through the theater, but that was okay because we were the only ones there. He had fun hiding in the aisles and climbing on the seats. I did learn that it will be a VERY LONG time before we take him to see a movie. Saturday was a good day.

Sunday he woke up feeling fine. We got dressed and took him to church. My grandma stayed in the nursery and told me that he was fussy and that he cried for me. He just doesn't do that. When we picked him up he was acting normal. We went to Red Lobster for lunch and he played. He fell asleep in the car and slept from 1:30 until I woke him up at 4:00. I just thought he was tired. He went down for his nap late and I thought he was sleeping a little longer because of it. At 4:15 he vomited everything in his little stomach. We cleaned him up and I tried to give him ginger ale. He would not drink it. He got settled down and then played like nothing was wrong. He would not eat supper. I did get him to eat applesauce at 7:00 and at 7:15ish he was running through the kitchen, threw-up, keep running, slipped and fell flat of his back in his pile of puke. This was not pretty. We picked him up and he rubbed the back of his head and said "boo-boo." Austin gave him his bath and put him to bed. He slept through the night and was fine today. I gave him Jello and Pedialyte this morning and then rice for lunch. He kept it all down fine. He has laughed and played. He took a good nap (2 hours) and went to bed fine.

I am watching the storm. I know that we will feel the effects, but pray that it doesn't make landfall close to home. Right now, it looks like it will make landfall at Hilton Head, which is south of us, but hurricanes are very unpredictable. Austin is currently on standby.

We have been up and down this weekend, but I am looking forward to a good week and keeping my eye on Hanna!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Prayer Needed

Please remember my Uncle Ken in your prayers. This is the short version of everything... He had a mild heart attack Monday, had a heart cath. Tuesday, major bypass surgery Wednesday (replaced 5 veins/valves, if I am not mistaken), had another heart attack Thursday while in ICU due to a replacement valve collapsing and is now finally slowly recovering. The doctors were able to take him off of the ventilator today (they have been trying all weekend to wean him off but his blood-ox level has been too low) and he should move out of CVICU tomorrow if everything continues to progress. He is now awake and alert. The doctors have stopped most of his pain medication due to the fact that the medications are raising his blood pressure. The recovery progress will be slow and he will need much prayer.

Back to School--One Week Down!

Last week was my first official week back at work. I had three days of "planning" prior and then the children came on Monday. Due to privacy issues and what is acceptable to write in a blog and what isn't, I cannot go into a lot of detail. The children in my class are very sweet. They have a very wide range of abilities and I already know I will need to put in a lot of time to make sure that I am meeting the needs of such a diverse group of kids. So far, I also have a great group of parents. I know I have three stay at home moms who really want to help out. Last week, one mother came in on Wednesday to get my Wonderful Wednesday Work folders in order to send home and she came again on Friday to empty the folders and begin to get them ready for next week. I had a different parent tear out all of the math homework pages from the workbook and sort them by lesson. She did this for the entire school year! I have never had parents come and help out so much, I hope this continues throughout the school year. My principal dropped in to do an observation on Thursday and it went well. We were also supposed to have a fire drill Friday and it was cancelled because of the rain. :) I understand the need for them, but I really hate those things! I really believe this will be a good year. I made it through the fist week and every day was better than the one before it.

Owen has been a good boy at his school. Tuesday, though, I went to dress him and he ran from me. When I caught him I told him that he had to get dressed for school. His response was "bye-bye, no!" I dressed him anyway and continued to get myself ready. A little while later Austin told Owen it was time for him to put on his shoes to go to school and he told Austin, "bye-bye, no, no!" His tone was one of I have already said I wasn't going to go and I mean it. Well.. he went. He cried a little when I dropped him off, but ended up having a good day. I really can't blame him, there are some mornings I just don't want to get up and go either but, Owen has to learn that we have to whether we want to or not. I just got tickled at the fact that he told us that he wasn't going.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Good News

I spoke with the doctor today. He told me that my MRI came back good. There is nothing to worry or be alarmed about. He still does not understand what could have caused the Tinnitus, but does know that the Tinnitus is causing the hearing loss. I go back in 6 mo. for a recheck. :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Yesterday, I came home from work to a clean house and a husband who wanted to go out to eat! My bucket was filled to say the least. :) Austin met me in the drive way ready to go. He suggested that we go to a Japanese Steak House. We haven't been in a long time and thought Owen would enjoy it. He had a blast! He was so fascinated by the chef and the grill/griddle (I am not sure what it is called). It was fun to watch him take it all in. His eyes were huge the entire time we were there. When the chef first started to cook, Owen told him that the grill was hot. There were a few other children at our table and he did everything the big kids did. Owen played with chopsticks when the other children were trying to use them and when the other children put theirs down he put his on his plate. He liked the Miso soup and the rice, but didn't care for the salad, veggies or steak. He was very well behaved and I am very proud.

I See You

Austin and I went shopping Monday after my MRI. It just made me feel better to get out and get my mind off of things. While we were out Austin found this figurine. It is titled "I See You" and is in a gift line, similar to Willow Tree, called Forever in Blue Jeans. This is Owen through and through. He actually does this! He will spread his feet apart and place his hands on the ground so that his head is resting on the ground. Next, he will look between his legs, say "hi" and then laugh. It is so funny! We had to get this! :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I had to share this! :)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

It has been a little over a week since I wrote my last blog, but it feels like it has been longer. We have been staying busy and so much is going on right now.

Last Saturday, we went to visit the Murphy's at their house at the beach. We had a blast! Austin was able to visit with Barry and I think the visit did him good. They talked non-stop. We had not taken Owen to the beach this summer. I will say, he had a much better experience this year then he did last year. He had fun playing in the water and got quite upset when the seagulls few away. He was fascinated by them and would run up to them saying "mine." Owen made friends with some people who had their chairs in the shallow water. He decided he wanted to sit with them for a while. He walked right up to them, sat in one of their chairs and said "hi." He was so well behaved and we all enjoyed our day.

Austin and Owen

Owen visiting with Barry

Q.T.I.P.--Quit Taking It Personally is the motto for our new school year. Tuesday and Wednesday I attended a retreat for work where we learned all about QTIP. This is all part of PBIS Year 2. PBIS is our school's discipline policy. In a nutshell, the program teaches us to teach the children how to behave because we cannot assume that their parents will. It is a good program, but that is a topic for a new blog on a new day. Back to our retreat, it was held at Camp St. Christopher on Seabrook Island. It is a really pretty place and we were able to take a little time for ourselves. We spent the majority of Tuesday working. We began work at 3:00, ate dinner at 6:30 and finished up working around 8:30. That evening we took a walk on the beach. The beach there is extremely secluded. You can see all sorts of beach wildlife that you rarely see at the local beaches. My friend Sandie snuck out and took some wonderful pictures and I hope that she doesn't mind that I borrowed a few.

Tonight, I went to a movie with my mom. We haven't gone to a movie together in a really long time and it was nice. We saw Pineapple Express. Now, with this movie being in the theater's right now I will not say much about it. I will tell you that the message from the movie is that drugs are bad. We all know that. The movie was hilarious! It is not my "type" of movie, but I laughed so hard I had to pee. I am so glad that I went.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

End of the Summer

I am going back to work tomorrow. I have to tackle the mountain of stuff that is in the middle of my classroom floor and have limited time to do it in. We have had a big summer and I cannot believe it is now over. Here are a few highlights from the past two months:

  • We were able to go see Austin's family in Rockingham, NC. We visited with his grandparents, Aunts, cousins and of course his mom and Michael. It was a nice visit. We are looking forward to a visit with Grams soon.
  • Owen and I went to the waterpark a lot. He loves it! Every time we went he got just as excited as he did the first time.
  • Owen started potty training. At first, we were giving him an M&M each time he went potty then, I ate them all one night. So now, we give him yogurt bites. They are healthier and I really do not like them. :) He is doing pretty good. Most days have been great, but some days going to the bathroom is NOT on his daily agenda.
  • We took Owen to the aquarium and he loved the fish and "turdles."
  • We found out the the county park near our house has a really good shaded playground for toddlers. We would go early in the morning (8:30ish) before the day got hot. Owen could play, it was not crowded and being that early the bathrooms were still clean.
  • Owen began to talk more. He is a hoot!
  • I now have four new friends. There names are Murray, Jeff, Anthony and Greg (who has been replaced by Sam--I have a hard time telling the difference). They are the Wiggles!
  • We are continually working on Owen's space, his playroom. We have cleaned up and cleaned out and I believe I found a way to divide the room so that Austin has his space and Owen has his.
  • Owen pulled a few stunts. He climbed on top of the kitchen table and was standing in the middle of it one day when I to a quick trip to the bathroom. He hid in a cabinet and thought it was funny when I finally found him. He layed on a balloon one day and could not figure out what happened when it shot out from under him. He has figured out how to take his diaper off at night (he doesn't do this everynight thank goodness). He can now open doors, but he knocks first.

It really has been a joy to be home this summer. Owen stays so very busy and is in continual motion! I hate to go back to work and for him to go to his "school," but we have to and it will be okay.

Oh by the way, did I mention that my big boy needs a bookbag? It was on his school supply list! :)


I have to VENT!!!! I went to see an ENT last week (see previous post). Before I left the office the doctor told me that I would be receiving a phone call from them Monday. I asked if I were to call him, just to clarify, and he said that they would "track me down." So, I took that as a no and that somebody from his office would call me Monday. Monday came and Monday went and nobody called. I called them Tuesday and left a message. Somebody called me back Tuesday after the doctor left. She apologized and told me that she would pull my chart and that I would get called Wednesday. Wednesday came and Wednesday went and nobody called. I called this morning. When the lady called me back she wanted to know why I was calling. I told her that I did not receive a phone call yesterday and wanted to touch base to find out what would happen next. She told me she would, again, pull my chart and call me back. She did twice. The first time was to find out my symptoms and I told her and the second time was to tell me that the doctor wanted to see me today.
I made arrangements for my sister to watch Owen and went to the doctor's office in Moncks Corner. His office is located in a small hospital. The reception area is a larger sized waiting room and it is for many doctors. When I went to the desk the receptionist/clerk told me that my doctor was not in that office today, that he was in his downtown Charleston office. She called that office. I spoke to somebody on the phone who told me that if I could not be downtown at that moment then the doctor could not see me today because he had a meeting. It's a long drive from Moncks Corner to the city of Charleston. So, I now have an appointment for Monday at 11:45 and whoever I talked to told me to expect to wait because if people walked in he would have to see them. Why make an appoinment if I will have to wait on the other people who had to be fit in? I know they wish I would just go away, but I wish this ringing in my ear would go away too.
I cried when I left the office. I am so frusterated and I just want somebody to find out what is wrong with my ear and fix it. I stopped by my doctor's office on the way home to ask for a referral to a different doctor and of course, the woman who does referrals is out until Monday. I came home and called the insurance company and with my plan I have to have a referral from my PCP.
Austin told me to look on the bright side... at least the ringing is not in both ears.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Ear

As many people know I have been having ear trouble and am going to describe what is going on the best I can understand.
Ten days ago I had a dull pain in my left ear and went to the doctor. The doctor (which was not mine) told me my ear looked red and asked if I had been digging in it... YUCK! She gave me an antibiotic for an ear infection. That evening I had a very sharp, piercing pain in that ear. I layed on a heating pad all night to help ease the pain. The next day my ear felt clogged and the day following I discovered lots of blood in my ear. I went back to the doctor (mine this time) and he told me that I had a severe ear infection and my eardrum was perforated (busted). I continued with my antibiotic and went back today for a follow-up. I still have ringing (Tinnitus) in my left ear and it still feels clogged (fullness).
My doctor sent me to an ENT. The ENT looked at everything and told me that my nose and throat look good and that my right ear looks good also. The ENT had an Audiologist run a series of test on my ears. The first test was to check to see if my eardrums are performing like they should. The doctor applied pressure on the eardrums to see if it would respond and it did and then used very loud noises to see what my eardrums would do and they were fine. Next, I was put in a box... literally a big box. It was phone booth sized and complete enclosed. There was a widow on the side of it and I was not allowed to look out of the window. This is where the hearing test was performed. That did not come back so good. My right ear hears well. I have moderate hearing loss in my left ear. Well, the hearing loss has to be caused from something. The ENT seems to think that I have a virus (I don't know what kind) in between my inner ear and my brain. The virus is causing the fullness, the Tinnitus and the hearing loss. When the virus is gone he believes all will be well. I am now taking a steroid drug to cure the virus. The office will call me on Monday and if I am still having trouble I will be sent for more tests, possibly an MRI to find out exactly what is wrong.

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Wiggles

Owen has fallen in love with The Wiggles. He had 2 DVD's and I really got tired of hearing the same songs over and over and over again. Today I found a Wiggles DVD at Big Lots. It is a Christmas DVD, but it only cost $4.00 so I couldn't pass it up. I like Christmas songs and thought it would be okay all year long. What I didn't think about is that The Wiggles are from Australia and it is summer when they have Christmas! Owen will be so confused when he gets a little older. Now I see why it was such a good deal DVD.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Busy Day

Yesterday was a very busy day for us. The weather was cloudy and even though we didn't really feel well, we decided to do something together as a family. Owen loves fish "fshhh" and we took him to the South Carolina Aquarium. He had a blast! It was so funny to watch him look at the fish. He stood as close as he could to the class of the different exhibits. He told most of the fish "hi" and just watched them. When we got home Owen and Austin washed Austin's squad car, Owen "rode" his bike and then played with Harley. What a good way to spend a cloudy day!

Austin and Owen when we first arried at the aquarium

This is where Owen spent most of his time... on his daddy's shoulders.

Owen looking at fish with Austin.

Owen and me looking at fish.

Our little fisherman!

Helping daddy wash his car...
Time to rinse!
Playing with the water was the best part of all!
Owen loves Harley