Monday, September 15, 2008

Monkey Butt!

Did you know they made such a thing??!!??
I have heard Austin talking about monkey butt and I thought it was something he came up with, but it is an actual real thing! I found this in Rite Aid today and had to get it for him. He is now the proud owner of a 6oz. can of Anti Monkey Butt Powder! They even have a website. You can find out all about Monkey Butt at . Have fun!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I Needed This This Week

This is the best keynote speaker I have heard in a long time.
This little boy had such a big message for all of us.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Finally--Yokoso Pictures

I FINALLY figured out how to download pictures from my phone to our computer. Here are the Yokoso pictures. :)

For G-G and Other Breast Cancer Survivors With Love

Owen and I met Tracy and Samantha for dinner tonight. While sitting at Ruby Tuesdays in Summerville, we noticed a pink fire truck pull in pulling a large breast cancer awareness ribbon. The truck was followed by a large group of bikers wearing pink shirts and black and pink shirts. According to the Post and Courier, "The Pink Ribbon Tour, a national awareness effort in the fight against breast cancer, has scheduled to make stops in Summerville and the surrounding area on Sept. 9-10.
The tour is provided by the Guardians of the Ribbon, a group of Arizona firefighters, police officers and community leaders. They drive around the country in a pink fire truck, wearing pink turnout gear and helmets to promote awareness of the fight against breast cancer.
Organizers are encouraging anyone who has been affected by the disease to come to any of the local stops and sign the fire truck." So, we did. Owen and I wrote his G-G's (Grandma Deborah) name on the truck. It was an amazing sight! I had to take pictures of it and share.

Owen on the Pink Truck
Here is Owen next to G-G's name (there is an "h" at the end of Deborah, it just didn't show up in the picture)
Owen and Samantha--This is the best picture, it was so hard to try to get them both to look at the camera at the same time.
Owen decided to strike a pose! Below is a picture of the pink fire truck.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Get Ready to Wiggle!

The Wiggles are coming to Columbia! For most, this may seem insignificant. For us, this is a big deal! I just hope the Colonial Center is big enough to hold Owen Rogers!


Hanna came and Hanna went last night. All she left was a bunch of rain! I am very thankful. Austin was able to come home at the end of his shift (1 am) and again, I am very thankful. School got out at 10:30 and we do not have to make up the day; another reason to be thankful! It was evident that the Lord was watching out for us and I am thankful!


We are now available to chat via the web! Our new, new computer has a webcam on it and we finally are set up and ready to go. So far, we have had a couple nice chats with G-G (Deborah) and are excited about having more. If you have one and would like to talk please let me know.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Roller Coaster Weekend

We have been on a crazy roller coaster ride this weekend. First, I have to say that I am stoked about Sarah Palin! I really like all I have read and heard about her. I do not wish to discuss politics and will not if you bring it up, just know I like her. :)

Saturday Austin, Owen and I went to SeeWee Restaurant in Awendaw to eat lunch. It was pretty good. I love the atmosphere of the restaurant. It looks like a hole in the wall place, but when you go inside it is decorated like you are sitting on somebodies porch. The walls have local and beachy pictures on them. The tables have small vases of flowers. It is not fancy at all, but I like it. We had to sit by the door and the bathrooms were outside the building, so those were downfalls. The food was pretty good. On our way out the door Owen decided to jump off the top step. I was holding his hand and wasn't ready. I am glad he landed on the second step (of four). I told him we had to walk down the steps, but as soon as I began to step again, he said "jump" and then he did. When we left, we went to SeWee Educational Center in the Francis Marion National Forest. It was nice and quiet. We walked a little ways on a trail that started as a boardwalk and then turned into a path through the woods. The mosquitoes were bad, so we turned around. Inside the center was a small exhibition hall. Owen enjoyed looking at the animals and of course, everything was a dog... The deer, bobcat, otter, squirrel and all other animals displayed were dogs. We watched a little movie on the SeWee Indians and Owen ran through the theater, but that was okay because we were the only ones there. He had fun hiding in the aisles and climbing on the seats. I did learn that it will be a VERY LONG time before we take him to see a movie. Saturday was a good day.

Sunday he woke up feeling fine. We got dressed and took him to church. My grandma stayed in the nursery and told me that he was fussy and that he cried for me. He just doesn't do that. When we picked him up he was acting normal. We went to Red Lobster for lunch and he played. He fell asleep in the car and slept from 1:30 until I woke him up at 4:00. I just thought he was tired. He went down for his nap late and I thought he was sleeping a little longer because of it. At 4:15 he vomited everything in his little stomach. We cleaned him up and I tried to give him ginger ale. He would not drink it. He got settled down and then played like nothing was wrong. He would not eat supper. I did get him to eat applesauce at 7:00 and at 7:15ish he was running through the kitchen, threw-up, keep running, slipped and fell flat of his back in his pile of puke. This was not pretty. We picked him up and he rubbed the back of his head and said "boo-boo." Austin gave him his bath and put him to bed. He slept through the night and was fine today. I gave him Jello and Pedialyte this morning and then rice for lunch. He kept it all down fine. He has laughed and played. He took a good nap (2 hours) and went to bed fine.

I am watching the storm. I know that we will feel the effects, but pray that it doesn't make landfall close to home. Right now, it looks like it will make landfall at Hilton Head, which is south of us, but hurricanes are very unpredictable. Austin is currently on standby.

We have been up and down this weekend, but I am looking forward to a good week and keeping my eye on Hanna!