Thursday, May 29, 2008


I have been trying for three days to get a kiss from Owen. He will kiss Austin, but has not wanted to give me one. Yesterday morning, he was sitting in his high-chair. I asked if mommy could have a kiss and he turned his cheek and said "me." I gave him a kiss and asked again. He did the same thing, he turned his cheek and said "me." I gave him another kiss. When I asked a third time he flat out told me "no." I left it alone. Last night at bedtime, he gave Austin a "nigh-nigh" kiss, but told me "no." I finally got my kiss this morning. When I dropped Owen off at daycare he immediately started to play. When the worker told him to kiss mommy bye he ran over and gave me a kiss. He usually blows kisses, but today I got the real deal. He can be so sweet!

I am looking forward to the time we will have together this summer. The best part of teaching is the summers, weekends and holidays... some teachers will tell you the kids, but they are lying. I can't wait to be able to feed him three meals a day instead of one and put him down for a nap myself. I can't wait to go to the water park and to take him outside and just play. I only have 5 days left and Owen only has 6... let the countdown continue! :)